
The Lady and the Trump

WASHINGTON — I’ve been riveted all week by the spectacle of the most famous blond phenom on the planet, a child isolated and miserable living inside a national landmark, lashing out and spiraling into self-destructive acts.


But eventually I had to turn off the new season of “The Crown,” focusing on Princess Diana, and drag my attention back to Donald Trump, who is trashing this place before checking out like he’s Axl Rose at a Four Seasons.

末了,我还是不得不关掉最新一季的《王冠》(The Crown)——这一季的重头戏是戴安娜王妃(Princess Diana)——而把注意力重新放到唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)身上,他就像阿克塞尔·罗斯(Axl Rose)在某个四季酒店(Four Seasons)退房之前那样,把这里弄得一团糟。

Diana and Donald shared a few things in common: their toxic tango with the press, their psychic connection with their fan base, their willingness to blow up norms. They were both “unpredictable meteors,” as Tony Blair once described Di. They both savored sitting in their rooms glued to their own coverage on TV, dialing up their chosen reporters to control the narrative. They were both unhappy at the top, fretting about being undercut. Diana almost upended the monarchy and Donald is doing his worst to upend democracy.

戴安娜和唐纳德的身上,不乏共同之处:他们与新闻媒体之间是有毒的共舞关系,与粉丝群心灵相通,都不遵守常规。他们都是“无法预知的流星”——托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)曾经这样描述戴安娜。他们都喜欢坐在自己的房间里,看电视上关于自己的报道,给经过特别挑选的记者打电话,以便对舆论进行引导。他们都高高在上却不开心,担心自己的地位遭到削弱。戴安娜几乎颠覆了英国君主制,而唐纳德也正在竭力颠覆民主制度。

That’s where the similarities end. In terms of empathy, hugging the afflicted, the radiant Diana and the radioactive Donald are opposites. And while watching her fractured fairy tale breaks your heart, watching his fractious exit makes your head hurt. The young princess feared she was going mad amid barking corgis; the 74-year-old president wallows in his barking madness.


On Friday afternoon, Trump continued embarrassing himself and the nation when he finally emerged, after sulking in his tent for days, and asserted that he had won the election. He blamed Big Pharma, Big Tech and the media for his woes.


He sent out a fund-raising message praising the news conference with his lawyers, a dripping Rudy Giuliani and a rabid Sidney Powell, laying out the absurd phantom global conspiracy that is thwarting Trump’s re-election.

他发出了一条筹款信息,称赞他的律师——脑门有东西往下流的鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)和狂躁的西德尼·鲍威尔(Sidney Powell)——举行的那场新闻发布会,揭露阻碍特朗普连任的荒谬、骇人听闻的环球阴谋。

Then Trump met with Michigan G.O.P. officials, brazenly trying to subvert democracy and claw back a swing state, or even just to feed his ego by delegitimizing the election in the eyes of his base. But the Michigan lawmakers came out of the White House and said they would “follow the normal process” that has Joe Biden ahead even as the governor of Georgia certified the results there for Biden.


It would be merely pathetic to watch Trump toss nails on the road behind him if it weren’t so dangerous.


Biden needs all the air in his tires and a full tank of gas when he pulls that Corvette into the White House driveway in two months, because this country is shot to hell and running on empty.


Trump is sabotaging the transition as the pandemic rages, engaging in midnight maneuvers like ending several emergency lending programs that could buoy the economy and attempting to ravage Alaska’s wildlife refuge.


Republicans remain as mute and frightened of Trump as ever. Mitch McConnell could stop this nonsense with one sentence: “We’re moving on and recognizing Joe Biden as president-elect.” But he refuses to, letting the damage to the country unspool to protect his own standing with the base and to hold onto those two Senate seats in Georgia that make him majority leader.

共和党人一如既往地保持着沉默,保持着对特朗普的畏惧。米奇·麦康奈尔(Mitch McConnell)本可以用一句话来制止这种胡闹:“我们将继续前进,承认乔·拜登(Joe Biden)为候选总统。”但他拒绝这么做,以国家遭受破坏来换取自己在票仓中的地位,留住佐治亚州的两个参议院席位,从而保住他的参议院多数党领袖的位置。

It’s outrageous that Congress left town for the holidays this weekend without passing Covid relief. But Republicans, who are already all about setting themselves up for the next election, prefer to put Biden in a bind and later trash him for big spending. Never mind that they’re leaving millions of Americans in the lurch.


After watching unfeeling Republicans, it’s not really an escape to turn on “The Crown” and watch that unfeeling bunch — Margaret Thatcher and the royals.

目睹了共和党的冷酷无情之后,再打开《王冠》看到玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)和王室成员这群冷酷无情的人,这并不是一种消遣。

Peter Morgan, the writer of “The Queen” and creator of “The Crown,” spent a large chunk of his career refurbishing the queen’s reputation after the disastrous period following Diana’s death, when Blair had to beg Queen Elizabeth to show more emotion.

在戴安娜去世导致的一段灾难期过后,《女王》(The Queen)的编剧和《王冠》的主创彼得·摩根(Peter Morgan)在他职业生涯中花了很大一部分时间来重塑女王的声誉,当时布莱尔不得不恳求伊丽莎白女王表现得更有人情味。

But in this fourth season of “The Crown,” Morgan presents a more brittle queen, as the bulimic Diana is crying out for help and the Boss blows her off, feeling Charles and Diana are spoiled, immature and letting the side down.


Diana, perfectly played by Emma Corrin, describes the palace as “a cold frozen tundra, an icy dark, loveless cave with no light, no hope, anywhere, not even the faintest crack.”

由艾玛·科林(Emma Corin)完美饰演的戴安娜,形容这座王宫是“一个冰冷的冻土带,一个冰冷、黑暗、没有爱、没有光、没有希望的洞穴,不管是哪里,甚至连最细小的裂缝都没有”。

Morgan’s portrayal of Charles is rough, as well. The Prince of Wales is too in love with Camilla, too jealous of Diana, and too wounded from his upbringing to give his marriage a real chance.

摩根对查尔斯的刻画也很粗暴。这位威尔士亲王(Prince of Wales)太爱卡米拉(Camilla),太嫉妒戴安娜了,他的成长过程受到很大伤害,以至于婚姻失败。

When I covered the visit of Charles and Diana to Washington in 1985, the couple seemed happy. But problems were brewing. An insecure future king was sure to be jealous of a wife who sluiced all the attention away simply by tucking down her chin and flashing a look from under her eyelashes. And it was clear that Diana, who was called “Duch” as a girl because she always acted like a duchess, was learning how to channel her electric star power.


The gala at the Reagan White House — Duch meets Dutch — was a showcase for Diana, shimmering in blue velvet and a pearl choker, not Charles. Nancy Reagan had gathered a pantheon of leading men for the princess — Mikhail Baryshnikov, Clint Eastwood, Tom Selleck and, as a dancing partner when the Marine Band played “Night Fever,” John Travolta.

里根在白宫举行的晚宴——这是Duch和Dutch(指里根。——译注)的会面——对戴安娜来说,是一次正式的亮相机会(但对于查尔斯来说,这次晚宴则没有这样的意义),她在天鹅绒和珍珠项链的映衬下熠熠生辉。南希·里根(Nancy Reagan)为王妃请来了一众男神,包括米哈伊尔·巴里什尼科夫(Mikhail Baryshnikov)、克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)、汤姆·塞勒克(Tom Selleck),以及约翰·特拉沃尔塔(John Travolta)——海军军乐队演奏电影《周末夜狂热》(Night Fever)主题曲时,戴安娜与他共舞。

In “The Art of the Comeback” in 1997, Trump said that his only regret “in the women department” was that he didn’t date Diana after her divorce. He said “she lit up the room with her charm, her presence,” and was “a dream lady.”

在1997年的《东山再起的艺术》(The Art of the Comeback)一书中,特朗普说他“在妇女领域”的唯一遗憾,就是在戴安娜离婚后没有和她约会。他说:“她用她的魅力、她的存在点亮了整个房间,”她是一位”让人梦寐以求的女士”。

Dream on, Donald. Of his wooing, Diana told a friend, “He gives me the creeps.”


Di, we know how you feel.


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