
For U.K., Meghan and Harry Interview Resurfaces Issues of Race and Royal Tradition

LONDON — Hours after an interview with Prince Harry and his wife Meghan was broadcast in the United States on Sunday, Britain was already grappling with the shock wave rippling out across the Atlantic, exposing a deep royal rift.

伦敦——对哈里王子(Prince Harry)及其妻子梅根(Meghan)的专访周日在美国播出数小时后,英国已经受到来自大西洋彼岸的汹涌震波,暴露出王室的深层分歧。

In the two-hour prime time interview with Oprah Winfrey — to be shown in Britain Monday night — Meghan and Harry spoke frankly about what drove them away from Britain last year, taking a sharp turn from the default silence of the royal family. They spoke of comments by one family member about the potential color of their son’s skin, racist coverage from the tabloid press and a general lack of support that Meghan said drove her to thoughts of suicide.

在奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey)主持的两小时黄金时段采访中——节目于英国时间周一晚上播出——梅根和哈里坦率地谈到了促使他们去年离开英国的原因,这与该王室家庭一向的沉默形成了鲜明的转折。他们谈到一位王室成员对他们儿子可能的肤色的评论、八卦小报上的种族主义报道,以及由于基本上得不到支持,梅根说她有了自杀的念头。

For many Black Britons, the interview offered a scathing assessment of the royal family and resurfaced barely submerged tensions over entrenched racism in the country at large.


“It’s very hard listening to the interview not to focus on some of the salacious details and the family drama,” said Marcus Ryder, a visiting professor of media diversity at Birmingham City University. “But what we’re talking about is a major part of the British state, it’s a major institution.”

“在听采访的时候,很难不去注意一些不堪的细节和家庭纠纷,”伯明翰城市大学(Birmingham City University)媒体多样性客座教授马库斯·莱德(Marcus Ryder)表示。“但是我们所谈论的是英国国家的重要组成部分,这是一个重要的机构。”

The allegations of racism made during the interview could have major implications for the monarchy, he said, whose family members and their households are paid in part with public funds.


“Once you realize that, and divorce it from the idea of the personal family drama, what you have is a Black woman who was the first, in the modern era anyway, to enter that British institution,” Mr. Ryder said, “and makes allegations of racism at the very top.”


Meghan’s revelation that someone in the royal household questioned whether her son would be “too dark to represent the U.K.” was a major problem, he said. (On Monday, Ms. Winfrey said that Harry had asked her to clarify that neither Queen Elizabeth II nor Prince Philip was the source of that comment.)


Many critics noted the marked imbalance between the bombshell disclosures in the interview and the palace’s clumsy attempts to discredit Meghan as a bully in a leak to The Times of London last week.

许多批评人士指出,采访披露的爆炸性信息与王宫上周泄密给伦敦的《泰晤士报》(The Times)诋毁梅根欺凌他人的笨拙手段,形成了明显的不平衡。

For others, the interview was a moment to reflect on the decidedly different public persona of Harry and Meghan as they broke with the dutiful silence expected of the royal family and brought a more American approach.


Meghan had previously spoken about her struggle to adopt the British stiff-upper-lip sensibility, and during Sunday’s interview the couple signaled a desire to seize control of their own narrative, positioning themselves as global philanthropists.


The Daily Mail, a British tabloid Meghan won a privacy case against last month, on Monday morning led its website with the all-caps headline “I wanted to kill myself.” While it trumpeted Meghan’s comments about her mental health, it called the discussions about race “a sensational claim.”

英国小报《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)——梅根上月打赢了一场与该报的隐私权官司——周一早上以全大写的“我曾想自杀”作为头条。在大肆宣扬梅根关于其心理健康评论的同时,该报称关于种族的讨论是“一种耸人听闻的说法”。

The interview left the country divided, with major news outlets publishing biting commentary. On social media, some denounced the couple’s infidelity to the family, while others firmly defended them.


Nadine Batchelor-Hunt, a British journalist, applauded Meghan’s “fearlessness” and said her treatment reflected the deep-rooted racism experienced by Black people in Britain.

英国记者纳丁·贝切洛尔–亨特(Nadine Batchelor-Hunt)赞扬梅根的“无所畏惧”,并表示梅根的遭遇反映了英国黑人所经历的根深蒂固的种族主义。

“In my family, we don’t really care about the monarchy,” Ms. Batchelor-Hunt said, but as a mixed-race woman, she found that the allegations resonated deeply. “A lot of our ancestors were enslaved under the banner of the British empire in the name of the crown.”


Allegations of racism from within the royal family, both from Meghan and Harry, had given the royal family new relevance, she said.


“Seeing her speak so openly about it is really liberating,” she said, “which is why I think a lot of young people, particularly a lot of Black people, care so much.”


The reaction illustrated divisions between those who view Harry and Meghan as victims and those who disapprove of their behavior and of their willingness to attack the monarchy in public. Critics argued that by refusing to name the person who questioned the skin color of their son, they had made it impossible for the royal family to try to rebut the allegation.


In the Daily Telegraph, Camilla Tominey wrote that the conclusion the couple seemed to want the public to draw was that since “we are never likely to know, we may as well consider them all white supremacists, along with any journalist who has ever written anything vaguely negative about them.”

卡米拉·托米尼(Camilla Tominey)在《每日电讯报》上写道,这对夫妇似乎希望公众得出的结论是,由于“我们永远不可能知道,我们不妨把他们都当成是白人至上主义者,当然还有所有曾经写过哪怕只有一丁点关于他们负面内容的记者”。

In the beginning, when her engagement to Harry was announced, Meghan was acclaimed as an international beacon of a more inclusive royal family — until then a profoundly white institution. But that moment quickly passed, and she soon found herself under frequent attack in the British tabloids, often the subject of articles laced with overtly racist language or undertones of bigotry.


Before the wedding, articles appeared in the tabloids about her driving her sister-in-law Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, to tears in a disagreement over the flower girls’ dresses — the exact opposite of what actually occurred, Meghan said in the interview Sunday. Then came accusations in the tabloid press of her bullying the staff, of being so demanding as to be impossible to satisfy.

在婚礼前,小报上曾刊登过一些文章,说她因为花童礼服的争执而把她的嫂子剑桥公爵夫人凯特(Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge)弄哭了。梅根在周日的采访中说,实际情况完全相反。后来小报又开始指责她霸凌员工,说她要求太高,难以满足。

Some noted that the tabloids would sometimes criticize her for doing almost the same things that earned Kate lavish compliments.


Not that Kate escaped criticism entirely. While her parents are highly successful professionals, the tabloids made much of the fact that her mother began her career as a flight attendant and is more likely to trace her lineage to a coal miner than an aristocrat.


Yet what cut particularly deeply, Meghan said, was the lack of support from other family members. And when she went in search of help for her increasingly desperate mental state, the palace’s human resources department said its hands were tied because she was not a staff member. She was further told, she said, that she could not go to a psychiatric facility because that would reflect poorly on the family.


Black Britons had been calling out the problematic portrayals of Meghan in the British press for years. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, a lawyer and activist, has frequently spoken out about the racism directed at Meghan. In a heated back-and-forth on “Good Morning Britain,” she took Piers Morgan, the presenter and a staunch critic of Meghan and Harry, to task.

几年来,英国黑人一直指出英国媒体对梅根的描述是有问题的。律师兼活动人士舒拉·莫斯–绍巴米穆(Shola Mos-Shogbamimu)经常公开谈论针对梅根的种族主义。在一次《早安,英国》(Good Morning Britain)节目中,她激烈地抨击了主持人皮尔斯·摩根(Piers Morgan),后者是梅根和哈里的坚定批评者。

He asked for a reaction to what he called the couple “spray-gunning his family on global television” while Prince Philip, Harry’s grandfather, is hospitalized with a heart ailment.

他称这对夫妇在哈里王子的祖父菲利普亲王(Prince Philip)因心脏病住院期间,“在全球电视上向他的家人开枪扫射”,他询问对方对此有何看法。

“You want to deny that the royal family has any racist undertones or actions against the first biracial person, simply because you are in love with the queen?” Ms. Mos-Shogbamimu responded, as Mr. Morgan accused her of “race baiting.”


“You can love the queen and be able to call out the actions done by the royal family when they have got it wrong,” she added.


Many noted that the allegations made by Meghan during the interview highlighted a blind spot in much of the British news media when it comes to race, with the ranks of royal correspondents nearly all white.


“This is a story which is predicated on race,” Mr. Ryder said. “And what we have is that we have a British media that has so far been slow to recognize that this is actually a racial story.”


Mr. Ryder also said the allegations could have broad repercussions for the monarchy, pointing to longstanding questions about inclusion and the hereditary model of succession.


“We keep talking about issues of diversity, and how well does diversity sit with the hereditary principle?” he asked, noting that some may argue that there is a way to make it work. “But what she’s saying is that there seems to be a conflict.”


The palace has said nothing in the aftermath of the interview, and it remains to be seen how the queen herself will respond and whether the palace will investigate the claims Harry and Meghan made as enthusiastically as it pledged to look into the claims of Meghan’s bullying of staff.


Keir Starmer, the leader of the opposition Labour Party, said that the allegations in the interview around racism and mental health need to be taken “very seriously.”

反对党工党(Labour Party)领袖基尔·斯塔默(Keir Starmer)表示,需要“非常严肃地”对待采访中有关种族主义和心理健康的指控。

But the government reacted with caution. During an afternoon news conference, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he “had the highest admiration for the queen and the unifying role that she plays in our country and across the Commonwealth.”

但政府的反应很谨慎。在下午的新闻发布会上,英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)表示,他“对女王以及她在我们国家和英联邦发挥的团结作用怀有最高的敬意”。

He added: “As for the rest, all other matters to do with the royal family, I’ve spent a long time now not commenting on royal family matters, and I don’t intend to depart from that today.”


But many agreed that the fallout from the interview could linger.


“I’ve always said that the royal family would come out at best looking out of date, out of touch, perhaps unwelcoming,” Katie Nicholls, the royals editor at Vanity Fair, said in an interview on Sky News shortly after the broadcast. “But this is so much worse than that.”

“我一直都说,(采访过后)皇室成员至多只会显得落伍、脱节,甚至不受欢迎,”《名利场》的王室编辑凯蒂·尼科尔斯(Katie Nicholls)在节目播出后不久接受天空新闻(Sky News)采访时说。“但是现在要糟糕得多。”

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