
Inside the Diverse and Growing Asian Population in the U.S.
注:“其他亚裔族群”类别包括孟加拉国裔、不丹裔、缅甸裔、柬埔寨裔、苗族裔、印度尼西亚裔、老挝裔、马来西亚裔、蒙古裔、尼泊尔裔、冲绳裔、巴基斯坦裔、斯里兰卡裔、台湾裔和泰裔,以及其他单一种族的亚裔群体。每个县的亚裔人口比例来自2020年十年一次的人口普查。每个县的原籍群体来自于2019年美国社区调查。 THE NEW YORK TIMES

The number of people who identify as Asian in the United States nearly tripled in the past three decades, and Asians are now the fastest-growing of the nation’s four largest racial and ethnic groups, according to recently released census numbers.


But in addition to the uptick, the Asian population has become geographically diverse with wide variations in income, citizenship status and political preference, according to a New York Times analysis of census data.


The Asian population is complex, made up of nearly 20 million people who trace their roots to more than 20 countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent, regions that the Census Bureau includes as places of origin for Asians.


In 1990, the country’s Asian population numbered 6.6 million and was largely concentrated in a few pockets in cities on the coasts. Thirty years later, those enclaves have grown significantly, and the Asian population is more spread out, with families building lives in the suburbs of the South and in rural areas of the Midwest.


The number of counties where people of Asian descent represent more than 5 percent of the population has risen to 176 in 2020 from 39 in 1990.


“When people think Asians in America, they think California, Hawaii. But this population is not a West Coast phenomenon. It’s now an American phenomenon,” said Neil G. Ruiz, the associate director of race and ethnicity research at Pew Research Center.

皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)种族和民族研究副主任尼尔·G·鲁伊斯(Neil G. Ruiz)说:“当人们想到美国的亚裔时,他们会想到加利福尼亚、夏威夷。但这个群体并不是西海岸的现象。它现在是一种美国现象。”

North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, North Carolina and Indiana are among states that experienced major growth in the past decade. And people of Asian descent have been settling in ever larger numbers in states like West Virginia, where the overall population has declined.


Diversity among groups and within groups


The diversity of the nation’s Asian population often gets overlooked. Most published statistics consider all Asians as a single entity, but the reality is more nuanced.


In addition to Asians of a single race, an additional 3.5 million people identify as mixed-race Asian, making up more than a quarter of all mixed-race people in the United States.


Nearly 60 percent of all people of Asian descent, including those who are mixed race, were born outside the United States, and a majority are naturalized citizens. A vast majority of Asians in the United States are citizens, either naturalized or U.S.-born.


Among the two dozen groups analyzed by The Times, there are also vast differences in age, income and other demographic categories. Even within groups, there are wide gulfs between the characteristics of new immigrants and those who were born in the United States or who were naturalized many years ago.


For example, the household incomes of people of Asian descent exceed the overall U.S. population’s household incomes. Educational attainment is similarly higher. But among groups, there is quite a large variation.


Economically, Indians are consistently wealthier, while residents of Bhutanese descent have the lowest income and are unlikely to own a home. Many are Nepali-speaking Bhutanese refugees, who were stranded for years in camps with limited access to education.


In Columbus, Ohio, home to the largest Bhutanese community outside of Asia, many sort and pack items for Amazon, FedEx, Kroger and Bath & Body Works, among other companies.

俄亥俄州哥伦布市拥有亚洲以外最大的不丹人社区,许多人为亚马逊(Amazon)、联邦快递(FedEx)、克罗格(Kroger)和Bath & Body Works等公司整理和打包货物。

The Asian population in one area of that city jumped to more than 1,000 in 2020 from nearly none in 2010, thanks to the arrival of people from Bhutan, many of whom are transplants from cities where they were originally resettled by the government.


“To find a job in Columbus, it is known you don’t have to speak English because there are so many warehouse jobs,” said Jhuma Acharya, a case manager at a refugee resettlement agency, “because there are so many warehouses.”

“众所周知,在哥伦布找工作不必说英语,这里有太多仓库工作,”难民安置机构的个案经理朱玛·阿查里亚(Jhuma Acharya)说,“因为仓库太多了。”

In a census tract in Montgomery, Ala., where the arrival of a Hyundai Motors assembly plant in 2005 jump-started the growth of a Korean community, one out of three people is Asian, and they include auto company executives and independent grocers.

在阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的一个人口普查区,2005年建成的现代汽车(Hyundai Motors)组装厂启动了一个韩裔社区的发展,该社区三分之一的人是亚裔,有汽车公司高管,也有独立经营的杂货店主。

Disparities in incomes are driven by the types of jobs held by different groups and the number of earners per household, which vary by citizenship status.


A disproportionate share of workers in health care are people of Filipino descent. But there are even more workers of Filipino descent with jobs in the service sector, particularly those without U.S. citizenship.


Among Korean households, those headed by a person born in the United States have a median income of $95,000, but ones headed by Koreans who are not citizens have a median income of just $54,000. The gap is even wider for those of Chinese or Taiwanese descent.


People of Indian descent hold a significant share of jobs in several high-paying fields, including computer science, financial management and medicine. Nine percent of doctors in the United States are of Indian descent, and more than half of them are immigrants.


Dr. Nihit Gupta, a child psychiatrist, and his wife, Dr. Shikha Jaiswal, a nephrologist, who are Indian, have been practicing in West Virginia since 2016. “This place really embraces us. The whole state is underserved, and they value our work,” said Dr. Gupta, 38, one of two psychiatrists within a 70-mile radius.

儿童精神科医生尼希特·古普塔(Nihit Gupta)医生和他的妻子、肾脏病学家希哈·贾伊斯瓦尔(Shikha Jaiswal)医生都是印度裔,自2016年以来一直在西弗吉尼亚州执业。38岁的古普塔医生是方圆70英里范围内的两名精神病医生之一,他说:“这个地方真的很欢迎我们。整个州人均医疗人员不足,他们重视我们的工作。”

The couple had their first child, a son named Tasmay, 20 months ago.


Asian Americans born in the United States tend to be younger — half of them are children. They are the children of older, naturalized citizens who immigrated to the country a generation before.


As a growing group in American demographics, Asian Americans are also playing an increasing role in electoral politics.


Analysis by The Times found that neighborhoods with high concentrations of Asian residents overwhelmingly favored Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the 2020 presidential election, though variations exist among different groups. More than half of places where Vietnamese Americans were a majority, for example, favored President Donald J. Trump in 2020.

《纽约时报》的分析发现,在2020年总统大选中,亚裔居民高度集中的社区压倒性地支持小约瑟夫·R·拜登(Joseph R. Biden Jr.),尽管不同群体之间存在差异。例如,2020年,超过一半的越南裔美国人占多数的地方都支持唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)总统。

With their numbers continuing to expand at a fast clip, demographers expect the Asian population to surpass 46 million by 2060.


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