
100 Days Without Trump on Twitter: A Nation Scrolls More Calmly

That soothing sound that Gary Cavalli hears emanating from Twitter these days? It is the sound of silence — specifically, the silence of former President Donald J. Trump.

加里·卡沃利(Gary Cavalli)最近在Twitter上听到了什么令人安心的声音吗?是沉默之声——准确地说,是前总统唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)的沉默。

“My blood pressure has gone down 20 points,” said Mr. Cavalli, 71, whose obsessive hate-following of Mr. Trump ended for good when Twitter permanently barred the former president in January. “Not having to read his latest dishonest tweets has made my life so much happier.”


It seems like just yesterday, or perhaps a lifetime ago, that Mr. Trump swaggered through the corridors of Twitter as if he owned the place, praising himself and denigrating his enemies in an endless stream of poorly punctuated, creatively spelled, factually challenged ALL-CAPS DIATRIBES that inflamed, delighted and terrified the nation to varying degrees. That all ended on Jan. 8, two days after a mob egged on by his incendiary remarks had stormed the United States Capitol in an ill-conceived effort to overturn the results of the presidential election.


One hundred days have now elapsed since the start of the ban — a move that raised questions of free speech and censorship in the social media age, upset pro-Trump Republicans and further enraged a now-former president who still refuses to accept the fact that he lost the election.


To many of the former president’s detractors, the absence of a daily barrage of anxiety-provoking presidential verbiage feels closer to a return to normalcy than anything else (so far) in 2021.


“I legitimately slept better with him off Twitter,” said Mario Marval, 35, a program manager and Air Force veteran in the Cincinnati area. “It allowed me to reflect on how much of a vacuum of my attention he became.”

“没了他的推文,我理所当然地睡得更好了,”35岁的项目经理、辛辛那提地区空军老兵马里奥·马瓦尔(Mario Marval)说,“这不禁让我反思,他曾经让我关注了多少废话。”

For Matt Leece, 29, a music professor in Bloomsburg, Pa., the Twitter suspension was akin to a clearing of the air: “It’s like living in a city perpetually choked with smog, and suddenly one day you wake up and the sky is blue, the birds are singing, and you can finally take a full, nontoxic breath.”

宾夕法尼亚州布卢姆斯堡的音乐教授、29岁的马特·利斯(Matt Leece)感觉特朗普的Twitter被禁,如同空气也变得清新:“就像生活在一个永远烟雾弥漫的城市,突然有一天醒来,发现天空湛蓝,鸟儿歌唱,终于可以呼吸到一大口无毒的空气。”

Yet for millions of Trump loyalists, his silence has meant the loss of their favorite champion and the greatest weapon in their fight against the left.


“I miss having his strong, conservative, opinionated voice on Twitter,” said Kelly Clobes, 39, a business manager from southern Wisconsin. “Other people have been allowed to have free speech and speak their minds, and they haven’t been banned. Unless you’re going to do it across the board, you shouldn’t do it to him.”

“我怀念他在Twitter上强势、保守、固执的声音,”威斯康星州南部的业务经理、39岁的凯利·克洛布(Kelly Clobes)说。“其他人被允许有言论自由,表达自己的想法,他们没有被禁止。除非你打算一视同仁,否则你不应该对他这么做。”

Even in a forum known for turning small differences into all-out hostility, Mr. Trump’s Twitter feed was unique. There was its sheer volume. From 2009, when he posted his first tweet (“Be sure to tune in and watch Donald Trump on Late Night with David Letterman as he presents the Top Ten List tonight!”), to Jan. 8 of this year, when he posted his last (“To all of those who have asked, I will not be going to the Inauguration on January 20”), Mr. Trump tweeted more than 56,000 times, according to an online archive of his posts. He tweeted so often on some mornings in office that it was hard to believe he was doing much else.

即使是在一个以将微小分歧转化为全面敌意著称的论坛,特朗普的Twitter消息也堪称独一无二。还有它庞大的体量。他的在线档案显示,从2009年的第一条推文(“今晚一定要打开电视,观看唐纳德·特朗普在《大卫·莱特曼深夜秀》[Late Night with David Letterman]上介绍他的十大清单!”),到今年1月8日的最后一条推文(“回答所有提问者,我不会出席1月20日的就职典礼”),特朗普一共发了逾5.6万条推文。上任之后,他有时候一大早就频繁发推,让人很难相信他还能做别的事情。

Love it or hate it, it was impossible to ignore Mr. Trump’s Twitter feed, which flowed from the platform directly into the nation’s psyche. His tweets were quoted, analyzed, dissected, praised and ridiculed across the news media and the internet, featuring often in people’s “I can’t believe he said that” conversations. For his opponents, there was a rubbernecking quality to the exercise, a kind of masochistic need to read the tweets in order to feel the outrage.


Seth Norrholm, an associate professor of psychiatry at the Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit and an expert on post-traumatic stress, said that Twitter had offered Mr. Trump a round-the-clock forum to express his contempt and anger, a direct channel from his id to the internet. Every time he used all-caps, Professor Norrholm said, it was as if “an abuser was shouting demeaning statements” at the American people.

底特律韦恩州立大学医学院精神病学副教授、创伤后应激反应专家塞斯·诺尔霍姆(Seth Norrholm)说,Twitter为特朗普提供了一个全天候的论坛,来表达他的鄙视和愤怒,这是从他的自我到互联网的直接渠道。诺霍尔姆教授说,每次他使用全大写的时候,就好像“一个施虐者对美国人民大喊侮辱性的言论”。

Although “out of sight, out of mind really works well for a lot of people in helping them to move forward,” he continued, Mr. Trump has refused to go away quietly. Indeed, he has set up a sort of presidential office in exile at Mar-a-Lago, his Florida resort, emerging intermittently to issue statements on quasi-presidential letterhead and to heap derision on Republicans he deems insufficiently loyal.


And many Trump fans miss him desperately, in part because their identity is so closely tied to his.


Last month, a plaintive tweet by Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York, that bemoaned Mr. Trump’s absence from the platform was “liked” more than 66,000 times. It also inspired a return to the sort of brawl that Mr. Trump used to provoke on Twitter, as outraged anti-Trumpers waded in to inform Mr. Giuliani exactly what he could do with his opinion.

上个月,前纽约市长鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼(Rudolph W. Giuliani)发了一条悲伤的推文,哀叹特朗普不在竞选平台上,获得了逾6.6万次点赞。这也引发了特朗普过去在Twitter上煽动的那种争吵,愤怒的反特朗普人士参与进来,告诫朱利安尼应该怎么处理自己的观点。

Joe Walsh, a former Trump-supporting Republican congressman who is now an anti-Trump talk-radio host, said that even some people who hate the former president are suffering from a kind of withdrawal, their lives emptier now that Mr. Trump is no longer around to serve as a villainous foil for their grievances.

前特朗普支持者、共和党议员乔·沃尔什(Joe Walsh)现在是一个反特朗普的电台谈话节目主持人,他说,甚至是一些讨厌这位前总统的人也觉得若有所失,自从特朗普不再出现在他们身边,作为承受他们不满情绪的恶棍,现在他们的生活变得乏味。

“I completely get that it’s cool and hip to say, ‘I’m going to ignore the former guy’ — there’s a lot of performance art around that — but a lot of people miss being able to go after him or talk about him every day,” he said. “We’re all so tribal and we want to pick our tribes, and Trump made that dividing line really easy. Where do you stand on Biden’s infrastructure plan? That’s a little more nuanced.”


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